Generally, the knowledge connecting world wide is known as global education .Really in this twenty-first century globalization in the field of education has carried a great importance. As such education operates all rounds the world the system of global education should be brought into practice in a proper way.
Global education helps to bring the proper development throughout the whole world. Beside, the modern and scientific ere some countries, rather many countries are still in the shadow of darkness. There is no any sign and symptoms of development and they are back warded in each and every sector. People over those countries are still totally unknown about the success achieved by science unto these modern times. So such kind of differences can be eradicated by the means of global education. Because global education is infect education which comments the whole world in such a way that one country can know properly about the systems and process being carried out in different fields of development in other country.
If the knowledge given to the people of different advance countries like America, Russia, Frame, Germany etc is also provided to the students of other undeveloped or undeveloped countries then such countries could also produce the excellent and extraordinary, manpower, progress and could achieve the success same as other most developed countries.
Today many people of underdeveloped countries are unknown about the scientific way of living about quality of life and how to protect the earth from deterioration. If the global education is provided regarding such matters also we can reduce the evil consequences of these problems and many common difficulties can be solved. Moreover the idea and skills can be exchanged which will increases the possibility of many impossible tasks in the world.
We can take same step to have been carried out for the global education like by the means of computer; we can make global searches on the internet and gain the knowledge. However this is not only sufficient as such devices are lacking in some places. So we can take other techniques to develop in order to give the global education. So we should just think globally for getting global education